our homes – nepal-Kathmandu



Established: 1992

Caring For: 203 children, 22 women

Language: Nepali


June 2012 In 1992, the Honourary Consul General of Nepal in Canada, Dr. Kunjar Sharma, invited Child Haven to start a program in Nepal.

the children were first housed in Bhaktapur and then Child Haven built its own home in Kathmandu in 2001. subsequently the Green Tara School was built by Child Haven beside the home. Both Child Haven and local children attend the school.

The children attend the local Bhaktapur English Medium School. The Nepali and Newari languages are also spoken in the home.

Some of the first Child Haven children had been living in a Nepali jail with their mothers who had been sentenced to long prison terms. The program provided frequent visits to the jails so the children could stay in touch with their mothers. Most of the mothers were later released.

In addition to caring for destitute children and employing fifteen women in our Nepal home, Child Haven is providing support to disabled women attending a vocational computer training program both in the home and in the city of Kathmandu. Child Haven has organized sewing classes as well as provided funds for a local woman, social worker Shashi Kala Singh. June 2012


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