volunteer – helping out locally

Many people are involved with the work of Child Haven support groups and help in the organizing of publicity and fund raising activities within their communities.

Lending a hand

Others are involved in helping out in the Child Haven office in Maxville, sending out the quarterly newsletter and similar activities.

If you would like to be an active participant in helping Child Haven International, the following options offer a starting point:




Volunteer Interning OverSeas

Volunteer Interning Overseas

Since 1985, approximately 900 Interns have paid
their own way to India, Bangladesh or Nepal to
live in Child Haven’s Children’s Homes for three
to six months. Interns live simply and in harmony
with the Gandhian spirit of our Child Haven

Who We Are: Child Haven was established in 1985 by Bonnie and Fred Cappuccino, with help from their friends Dr. Nat Shah and Peter Freud. After raising their own 21 children (19 adopted), Bonnie and Fred decided to reach out to destitute children and women across South Asia.

With the financial help of thousands of supporters around the world, Child Haven now operates nine Homes in four countries - India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Tibet in China. We look after a total of 1300 children, 150 women and 50 seniors. Child Haven helps women and children who are orphaned or severely destitute who have no where else to turn.

Child Haven Homes are run on Gandhian principles of respect for all religions, equality of the sexes, non-violence, vegetarianism, simple living, and no regard for caste.

Child Haven provides the necessities of life - food, shelter, clothing, and health care in a loving environment; and provides education, vocational training and employment assistance so that our children and women are able to become resilient self-reliant contributors to their communities.

Child Haven is seeking self-motivated people who love children, who have a positive attitude toward life, who enjoy exploring differences, and are able to get along with people.


Note: Interns are not stationed in Delhi, Pen, Ghaziabad or Tibet in China.

Volunteer Interning Overseas image3



Come learn with us. Interns see at first-hand day-to-day life of the children in our Homes, and experience a unique and vibrant community.  The children have so much to share and to teach. It’s a wonderful cultural immersion.



Volunteer Interning Overseas image4

The Homes are fully staffed with local people.  They run well whether or not any Interns are visiting.  When an Intern arrives at the Home, they settle into the life and routine of the Home, and find ways to make meaningful contributions.

Volunteer Interning Overseas image5
Cultural Interns live simply, share the same vegetarian meals, and may help provide English conversation, assist with arts and crafts projects and sports etc. They learn about the culture of the country they are living in. Later, Interns return home with an increased appreciation of a culture other than their own, usually as more enlightened and compassionate individuals.


Volunteer Interning Overseas image6Volunteer Interning Overseas image9Intern information:

Prospective Interns attend a two-day Orientation at the Cappuccino Farm in Maxville, Ont. Four Orientations are scheduled through the year ($50 fee); space is limited. Interns pay a $200 fee to cover the cost of their stay in the Home. Interns need a recent police check and must be in good health.

Interns commit to a 3-6 month stay and are generally age 21 or older. Interns pay their own airfare and travel insurance (tax receiptable). Service Clubs, churches, friends and family can help you raise the money. Child Haven will advise about this at the Orientation. While in India, Bangladesh, or Nepal, Interns live in or near the Children's Home and share the same meals. Interns must be vegetarian during their stay. Interns are role models for the children, must be non-smokers, and non-consumers alcohol or drugs. They must have proper dress, and a life-affirming attitude.

If an active social life or tourism is important to you during this time, Child Haven might not be the right place for you. Volunteer Interning Overseas image7








Volunteer Interning Overseas


Canada-CRA-Charity # 11885 1922 RR0001
USA-IRS-501(3) C Charity# 22-2637689

Child Haven International
19014 Con. 7, RR#1
Maxville, ON
K0C 1T0

Click here to download our Brochure



Making a Bequest

The first thing anyone should do when planning to make a bequest to any charity, is contact their legal advisor. Below are some options you might wish to discuss:

A Special Gift

This is a gift in which a cash amount or a particular asset (such as an investment), is left to a charity. The advantage of making a specific gift is that it is precise to identify and simple to administer. Sample Wording: "I give ($...) to Child Haven International."

A Residuary Gift

The residue of your estate is whatever is left over after all taxes, expenses of administration and specific gifts are paid. Such a bequest can be of the whole, or a proportion of the residue of the estate. The advantage of making a residuary gift is that its actual value can be sensitive to any change in the value of your estate between the date you make your will and the date of your death. Sample Wording: "I give (one third of) the residue of my estate to Child Haven International."

A Contingent Gift

This is a provision which allows you to determine the recipient of your estate in the event that none of your named beneficiaries is alive at the time of your death. Sample Wording: "If none of the individuals I intend to benefit by this Will are alive or otherwise capable of benefitting, I leave the residue of my estate to Child Haven International."

These are three common types of planned gifts, but they are not the only ones available to you. You can learn more about planned giving by asking your legal adviser.

Thank you for considering a planned gift and for your ongoing and generous financial support to Child Haven International.