supplies needed
Cash is the most economical way for us to get the needed supplies. The cost of a tube of scabies cream in Bangladesh is $1; in Canada it's $28 plus shipping. Many items are less expensive to buy overseas, than to buy here. But some items (below) can be sent from here, keeping in mind that the only way we can send supplies is in Bonnie's luggage and that of the Interns.

Most Needed:
- Childrens' chewable and teens' multi-vitamins. They are very difficult to find overseas.
- Gently used clothing in good condition
- Simple teen and childrens' clothes, sizes 4-18
- Sweat shirts and jogging suits, any size
Also Needed:
- Extra-large hockey bags
Antibiotic first aid ointment
Antibiotic eye and ear drops
Pens and pencils
Sample or hotel toiletries
Embroidery thread & needles & hoops, sewing supplies, yarn and knitting needles
- Hearing aids
Men's t-shirts
Cotton or cotton-polyester fabric, 1 metre or more
We have enough eye glasses at present